It’s no secret – a well-designed flyer can be a cash cow for a business, more so when they are distributed in the right places at the right time.
There are, however, some examples of flyer disasters; poorly designed, full of typos and grammatical errors that can and do damage a business. How to make flyers that really promote your business is not rocket science – but like everything, it is not hard if you know what you are doing.
It is a hectic world, however, and your customers are busy. A flyer needs to attract their attention and entice them to read on. It needs to be designed in a way that is pleasing on the eye, creates the right instantly and also gives the reader an idea of what your business is about. The words – or copy – need to support this.
Not too big an ask then, is it?!
And this is probably why so many flyers, for so many businesses get is so wrong. To prevent this from happening you and your business, here are some great ideas for how to make flyers for your business REALLY stand out…
Shock & awe
On one hand, we want to captivate the audience but on the other, we tend to approach the design of a flyer in a routine kind of way.
You need to decide what the purpose of your flyer is – most likely, it will be something along the lines of raise awareness and bag yourself a load of customers. How do you want to do this?
Shock and awe may be two words that you wouldn’t necessarily associated with your business, and neither do you want to offend anyone. But those ‘shock & awe’ tactics can work a treat.
Looking at other brands and their examples can be helpful. A company that stands out for shocking people is PETA, an animal protection organisation. They don’t intend to offend; they want to make a point. Regardless of what you think about their tactics, they certainly get noticed.
This may not be quite the mark you are wanting to hit but, it can be a great way of garnering attention. In this way, asking a soul searching question can also be a great way of attracting attention.
Humour is a great ice-breaker and in many ways, are guaranteed to get noticed. However, like shock and awe, it can backfire so it pays to do some research.
Flyers, like all of your promotional and marketing activities, should be pitched at your customer; essentially, this means that you need to know who your customers are. Once you have this valuable information, you can pitch the right sense of humour.
The use of some words in a different context – sometimes called innuendo – can be great for getting attention but, it won’t work well with some age groups. Some people may be offended, others may not understand what it is the flyer is driving at.
Humour can be a dark art, so makes sure you pitch it right and that it is linked to your product.
Demonstrate benefits
Copy will often be lacking on flyers. In other words, there is an important aspect that is often forgotten.
Demonstrating the benefits means to show the reader not only what it is you offer, but why they need it. Graphics can go a long way in how to make flyers that work for your business and get your message across. For example, if you are a dental practice advertising teeth whitening, happy, smiling people with rows of white teeth will show someone that they too can a) have white teeth and b) be confident and smiling again.
Stand out against the background
This is about the design of your flyer physically standing out against the backdrop where people will find it.
For example, if you are distributing your flyers outside, using natural colours may mean that they blend in with the surrounding. This may sound daft, but green flyers don’t stand out against a lush, green background.
Colours and important, both from a standing out point of view as well as the impression that colours give to the reader. Bright colours tend to be associated with ‘younger’ products, and darker, richer colours with brands or products that are more austere.
In some ways, your logo and colour palette will already decide what shades and hues you use, but don’t forget that sometimes, something completely different can make your business stand out.
How to make flyers that standout for your business is not as hard as you think. Why not have a go today?